About the Foundation

The Edgar P. & Nona B. McKinney Foundation was established in the 1990s. It was the intent of Mr. & Mrs. McKinney to fund organizations that are charitable, religious and educational in nature.


Funding Priorities:
Priority in grantmaking is given to worthwhile research projects in the fields of mathematics, geography, climatology, meteorology, geology (including deep sea studies and tectonic plates) and astronomy conducted at the University of Wisconsin Madison.

Second tier priority in awarding grants shall be to other qualified education institutions.

Geographic Focus:
The Foundation generally restricts its funding to Lake County, Florida, with special consideration given to the University of Wisconsin Madison.

Types of Support:

  • Operating
  • Program
  • Project

The Foundation generally restricts its funding to Lake County, Florida.

Eligibility Requirements:
The Trustees shall consider all qualified applications received from organizations that are exempt from taxation under the Internal revenue Code Sections 501 (c) (3). If you are a 509 (a)(3) Supporting Organization, please be prepared to provide additional information.

Grant Cycle and Deadline Information:
The Foundation’s Trustees meet annually in May. April1st is the deadline for submitting grant proposals to be considered at the annual meeting.

Grant Range:
The average grant size is between $5,000 and $10,000.