The Margaret McCartney & R. Parks Williams Foundation

About the Foundation & Guidelines

The Margaret McCartney & R. Parks Williams Foundation

About the Foundation

The Margaret McCartney & R. Parks Williams Foundation was established in 2001. It was the desire of Mr. & Mrs. Williams that the foundation be used exclusively for contributions to organizations, including governmental bodies, operated for religious, charitable, educational, veteran rehabilitative service, literary or scientific purposes or for the prevention of cruelty to children.


Funding Priorities:

  • Vocational rehabilitation for the blind and other handicapped persons.
  • Educational purposes, provided, however, that such distributions shall not be made for capital improvements of educational facilities but rather shall be used by the educational institutions to establish scholarships for needy students.
  • Supplementing the needs for health and comfort of sick and elderly people being cared for by governmental or qualified private charitable organizations, such as county nursing homes.
  • Care and education of needy children through qualified children’s homes.
  • Prevention of cruelty to children.
  • Surgical and other treatment of cancer and/or heart disease to indigent or needy people in the Lake County community.

Geographic Focus:

The Williams Foundation generally restricts its funding policy to Florida organizations.

Types of Support:

  • Project Support
  • General Operating
  • Scholarships


No grants are made for capital improvements.

Eligibility Requirements:

The Trustees shall consider all qualified applications received from organizations that are exempt from taxation under the Internal revenue Code Sections 501 (c) (3) and 509.

Grant Cycle and Deadline Information:

The Foundation’s Trustees meet annually in August. July 1st is the deadline for submitting grant proposals to be considered at the annual meeting.

Grant Range:

The average grant size is between $5,000 and $25,000.